Zoro zoro Lehagere
(ዞሮ ዞሮ ለሃገሬ)
Targeted to make every Ethiopian diaspora to be a shareholder of PurposeBlack Ethiopia and a PurposeBlack family member.
ዞሮ ዞሮ ለሃገሬ
ZoroZoro Lehagere
PurposeBlack team came up with the slogan ዞሮ ዞሮ(Zorozoro) Lehagere. With this initiative along with the diaspora, we can help our country in many ways. Those with the knowledge could provide us with their expertise. Those who are financially capable, could assist by investing in their country. By thinking of one another, considering one’s problem as our own, by collectively working together, we can impact our society and our future generation.
Ethiopian government sources has it that there are more than 3 million Ethiopians scattered throughout the world, most of them are in the USA and Israel according to the data.
Clients Love
I feel proud being part of this wonderful company and also would like to thank and congratulate you and all the team of Purpose Black Ethiopia Trading S.C. for your innovative work as it is the first in its kind in our country Ethiopia as well as our continent Africa. Really, All employee of PBETH should feel proud to contribute your part to solve the problem of our country in the area of agriculture and related business, especially to solve the problem of farmers through boosting production and productivity and trying to solve the economic problem of the citizen in general. I am also happy to contribute and express my willingness to be part of the team in the area of my knowledge.
Life is a choice. Do you want to be part of the problem or on the solution? Then invest on the most solution making initiative ZORO ZORO LEHAGERE. Who believed Ethiopian should be able to feed their own children through farming? If the answer is yes Then invest on ZORO ZORO LEHAGERE initiative